Saturday, October 7, 2017

Day 10: Laundry Day

Saturday, October 7

I started my day with Yoga and meditation!  

We were able to find a boat electrician to help Jacob install the new auto pilot.  While he did that all the power was off in the boat and it was getting hot and humid!  The nearing storms raised the humidity to 99%.  The kids and I were excited to leave to do laundry expecting the Laundromat to have free wifi and air conditioning!.  We walked about 7 blocks, each of us carrying a load of laundry with all the laundry stuff and walking Jeeno.  When the sign came into view we were thrilled!  We were told it may be 10 blocks away and for some reason our clothes, though we didn’t have many were extremely heavy.  As we got closer we saw the doors were all open, meaning only one thing, no A.C.  Oh well, no worries.  They had fans and there was a slight breeze.  I applaud my children for not making a peep about the lack of air conditioning.  They also didn’t complain about not having wifi. 

I didn’t have any quarters, just a twenty dollar bill.  There wasn’t anyone around for me to get change from; guess I was getting $20 worth of quarters from the coin machine.  We waited around while the machines swished and swirled our laundry.  25 minutes later the loads finished.  Laundromats are great for shortening laundry day.  I can do multiple loads at the same time and typically trying to save a few dollars, sorting clothes pretty much goes out the window, Through it all in and…hope for the best.  If it doesn’t survive well…I just don’t need it anymore.  To my dismay, one of my loads didn’t seem to wash well, so we had to redo it.   Oh yeah, and laundromats have HUGE dryers!  We started the dryer while we rewashed the other load.  During this time another couple people came in, one of which Jeeno scared half to death. Jeeno has a very scary bark.  I found out later that she was bit by a dog earlier this year.  For some reason our extremely heavy dirty laundry once cleaned, fluffed and folded was much lighter.  How dirty were they??  We could have walked home much easier, but a nice gentleman we’d been talking with offered us a ride home.  I hesitantly accepted.  It’s not in my nature to hitch rides from strangers, though I talk about it and have a desire to help someone just as this man helped us

The guys were still working on the auto-pilot when we returned so we dropped the clean clothes at the boat and headed to the pool to cool down.  We brought Jeeno to the pool because the whole boat was opened up and there was no place for a dog.  Plus he would have whined when we left anyway.  As soon as we jumped into the pool Jeeno followed right in line even though we were telling him no.  He must have been just as hot as us.  Of course, we didn’t let him stay.  We tied him up to the wall.  Then he was just being annoying barking at everyone who passed the pool.  No one seemed to mind, not even the office lady.  Though she did tell us he wasn’t supposed to be in there.

It wasn’t much longer before the guys were done.  Then we made final preparations for the outskirts of hurricane Nate to rain down on us.  The weather channel made it seem we may get hot real hard  and even issued a tornado warning.  Scary!  We didn’t get very much rain and there was almost zero wind.  The only thing we noticed was in the middle of the night the water level rose about 3.5 feet.  By the time we woke up it was back down.  The flooding was no big thing for locals.

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