Monday, August 26, 2013


...of Homeschool, or is it???

   We teach or children all day everyday, so even though my children embarked on a new journey of independence through public school today we will still homeschool.  It'll just be different now:)  I have been nervous all day wondering how everything went.  Joie went into 7th grade and Jayden 2nd.  I am more anxious about how Joie's day is going.  She doesn't deal well with change and can be extra emotional and sensitive when change is in the air.  I prayed multiple times today asking the Lord to give her courage and strength, whereas before I was praying for protection.  I am sure they will enjoy school very much as both of my children are little social butterflies.  Only 1 more hour and I will hear all about Joie's day.  EEEEEeeeeee!  Even though I was resisting public school I am eager to see the outcome.  I pray she doesn't hate it.  I want her to be able to appreciate public and homeschool, not liking one more than the other.  I will keep you posted with their comments of "BACK TO SCHOOL"

-Never give up on positively influencing your children's lives: even if it's indirectly.  They naturally love you and want to be like you:)