Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today's lunch

Homemade tortilla's and salsa for quesadillas today=Happy tummies :o)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

West Bay, Grand Cayman

Currently seeking activities in West Bay, Grand Cayman that will get my family moving.

  I was a gymnast for 16 years and have been inactive for much too long.  We live on a beautiful island and need to get involved in a free sport of some kinda.  Whether it's volleyball or tennis, basketball, dancing, long boarding, soccer, or softball we need to find some other people in the area that are ready to move too!      

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Easy Peasy, Lemon Breezy Haircuts

 Miss Joielin got a makeover!

We cut almost half of her hair off.  I really didn't want to because she has, had such beautiful long hair, but I can completely understand her wanting to get rid of some of it.  With the humidity her hair was sticking to her back even in a ponytail making her more hot and uncomfortable. 
 I was scared to cut her hair so I watched some YouTube videos to help me feel more comfortable, but it really didn't help.  After the first few snips I felt more comfortable, until I needed to add in some texture and layers to help her hair lay down better.  I didn't want to cut anymore hair off.  Needless to say, I didn't frame her face as much as I intended and it's nearly all one length.  After we finished I asked if she wanted some more texture, layers, or framing around her face and she said," No, I like it just the way it is!"  If she is happy so am I. 

I cut Jayden's hair too, but his was easy.  I have done it a few times so I kinda know what I am doing.  Next time I get to do Joie's  I am gonna be more brave, her hair will always grow back.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Puppy Love

This is Jeeno.  Yes another J.  Kinda dorky, but so are we=P.  I miss him sooo much!  We inherited him from my sister-in-law when I was completely anti-dogs.  We dog sat him for 2 weeks and I fell in love.  She was going to have to find him a new home and I said, we'll take him.  That was a little over a year ago.  This pesky black Lab requires so much patience but he is so lovable.  When we moved to Grancd Cayman, we couldn't bring him and weren't sure if we ever would so we didn't start the long process to import him.  I sure wish we would have because then he would be with us now.  I am sure my mom wishes we would have done that to.  We had a friend watch him for a few months, but now my parents are caring for him.  I am unbelievably thankful for this because I really love this dog.  I have loved every dog I've had, but never been loyal enough to keep them through thick and thin.  When we got Jeeno I vowed that we would have him til he died.  No, giving away. ever.  But then of course the curve ball of living on an island came and I doubted that decision.  But when it came down to it I couldn't part with my new pal, he is part of the family...

So my mom is caring for him and will have to until October.  There is a 6 month waiting period for shipping dogs here.  I sure hope he behaves, so it won't be too difficult.  Caring for someone's dog is never an easy task, so I just pray. 

Miss you jeeno-your soft ears, playing fetch, walking you, feeding you, brushing you, training you, petting, hugging and loving you,  brushing your teeth...
Don't miss your shedding...

Thank you Mom for loving my dog.  He loves you and thank you that he doesn't have to find a new home.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

T-Shirt Yarn

Okay, so in my adventures of braiding t-shirts to make coasters, I found and realized that I could make yarn out of t-shirts and hen crochet it into just about anything.  I found a few links through google search to show me how to do it.  Thank you to whomever thought of this first and to those who posted HowTo's so I could post an I did.  

Here goes...
I started with a plain white tee that my hubby wasn't wearing anymore; you don't get to see a picture of it because I was going to do it without even sharing.  Can you believe that?!  How could I do something as spectacular as making yarn and not share, haha.

Here is the part of the shirt I didn't use, that can't be used
 The bottom trim of the shirt can't be used either so cut that off too.
I left out a few visual steps so bare with me.  The shirt is folded almost in half with about an inch difference.  That probably doesn't make sense, so just check somewhere else if you don't understand and want to do this. 

Once folded, you start cutting strips, mine were roughly 3/4 in.

Cut all the way through the fold, but don't cut through the one inch left after folding.

Here is what is looks like when finished.  You can see the 1 inch better now.
 *Note* Buy fabric scissors.  Man I wish I had them today.

Next Step involves unfolding the 1 inch left uncut.  Then cut diagonal from first strip to second just like my scissors show.  Continue doing that all the way across.  The 1st strip and then last strip will be ct diagonal to open the fabric so it is one long strip.

For REal!!!  It is actually "ACTUALLY" make yarn!  Just stretch it and the sides curl in.  TA-DA!

Monday, June 4, 2012

God is our Provider

By Him alone are we surviving.  God has been gracious to provide Jacob with new divers.  In fact, today a woman called interested in diving.  Her family is arriving next week on a cruise ship and was led BY God to contact us!!!  At this point we are relying primarily on diving for income,  so you can imagine the blessing this phone call was.  It's not the first one we have had, but it was the first to confirm God's hand at work.  We have seen HIS hand moving everyday.  It is beautiful how He has chosen us; how He is displaying how mighty and in control HE IS.  At one point, I was anxious thinking what if, but then I remembered..

  • There is no need for what ifs, what ifs are fear and doubt. 
  • To truly trust God is to let go of fear and KNOW that HE will sustain us no matter what.

Sometimes things that happen in are life appear to be bad, but they are really blessings.  Sometimes what we want to happen isn't always n line with God's plan.

I do pray that God will continue to bless us as we carry on this journey of establishing our own diving business.  It is amazing how opening up a new business on a small island can create tension between other similar business owners, I know that it is just fear in their hearts and it will subside.  

God and my husband are calling me out of my comfort zone as well regarding JJDivers, I am going to have to step up to help Jacob.  EEEEE...God I need Your help. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Braided T-shirt Coasters

What on Earth am I going to do to solve this issue of our drinking glasses leaving puddles of water everywhere??

Of course, coasters, but how can I get coasters without spending any extra money ???

I could have easily crocheted coasters, my friend Missy made these Minecraft Creeper coasters.

Super cute, but I have no yarn, only old t-shirts.  I Google searched t-shirt coasters and found Upcycling: Braided T-shirt Coasters so guess what I did.  I immediately got out my scissors and t-shirts and started cutting strips of fabric to braid.  I only had a plain black t-shirt to start, not my color of choice, but it was free.  Here is the finished product.

Mine didn't come out as good as Carolyn's but I wasn't going for perfection seeing how the colors weren't my favorite, I was going for quick, easy, practical, and useful.  End result: they work.  Living in the tropics the t-shirt coasters need some sort of backing on them that will completely absorb the water because after a while the fabric gets really wet and then, eventually, if they're not dried the water will seep through.  For now, I am satisfied=)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Favorite wedding day pics

This is one of my favorite photos from our wedding day. I love how fun it is, plus my man looks so sexy! Ha, just as I wrote that I remembered at least 10 other favorite photos. I don't have them at this moment but I shall add them later.

EMotions FLyinG

My daughter...Joielin.  I am at a loss; I don't believe there is anything I can do, but pray.  I think it's too late...she is only 10, but the negativity that fills her is so deep.  What do I do?  Can I do anything?  Looking back on my life I see that I was extremely negative and angry for no apparent reason.  I just hated my life!  And Joie hates hers.  Was there anything that anyone could have done?  I don't think so.  It wasn't until God decided it was time to reveal himself to me that I was filled with more joy and compassion than ever before....


I began this post/prayer at the end of last year.  My little Joie was going through some turmoil from the move to Grand Cayman.  She doesn't like change and she certainly does not like leaving friends and family so moving created all sorts of emotions.  I am happy to say that her emotions have leveled out and she is happy.  Genuinely happy.