Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yes, I was a gymnast

Here's an old photo of some of my teammates and me.  It's at least 13 years old.  My, oh, my have we changed. 

Karen, Jacqueline, Kele, Tara, Kacey, Lindsey

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Visiting Vegas

Going back home to Vegas...

  I always like going back home and staying with my parents.  They are so wonderful.  And home, well, it's welcoming and cozy...a warmth from the place you grew up.  I didn't move much growing up so home is secure and stable, a constant I can always rely on.
  Our first night back my parents treated us all to sushi at Sumo Sushi II .  They aren't lying about their sushi.  The fish is fresh and presented beautifully.  A la carte is presented better, but the fish quality stays the same.  We always order Hamachi Kama, Johnny Roll #2, Tiger Roll, Albacore, Uni, Soft Shell crab, and What the Heck(much better a la carte: the pico de gallo doesn't come with all you can eat; without it, it's not the same).  Jacob was brave and tried this crazy thing....

Quail Egg and flying fish eggs

  He enjoyed it, but still I wouldn't try.  I try most things, but that-No thanks.

Mmm...Uni, on the other hand-Yes please.  It's a flavor and texture that takes some time to embrace.  At first when I ate it, I had to close my eyes.  The flavor brings me straight to the ocean.
Writing about sushi is making me hungry for some.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Injury increases faith.

What does Jayden have?
 Oh, I see.
It's a grasshopper.  Poor little thing was missing one of its hind legs.  That is probably why Jayden was able to hold it long enough for me to get this picture. 

How scared do you think this little grasshopper was?  He was in the hands of a giant(Jayden).  He wasn't able to hop away quickly so he just had to wait to see what happened.  Injury forces us to trust God more.  Trials and difficulty increase our faith.  Nobody wants to go though the fire, but the result is so beautiful.  If you are going through a trial, lean on God.  He will sustain you and bring glory to whatever you are going through.

May God give you courage and understanding, strengthening you with the peace of his loving hand.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ranchstyle Living

After a full day of flying from Grand Cayman to Miami to Dallas to Austin we drove another hour to Killeen, Texas.  Uncle Peter and Auntie Sheryl's home is big and beautiful with plenty of room to roam.

When we arrived we were welcomed by hugs from both family and dogs.  Auntie Sheryl has 3 dogs.  We quickly fell in love with Charlie because he reminded us of our dog Jeeno.

Charlie LOVES to play fetch.

 His eyes never leave that ball.
When he gets too hot he jumps into the pool.

Not only does Auntie have 3 dogs, she also has 3 donkeys.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a picture of them.  Hopefully, Auntie will send me a picture.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our Journey to Puerto RIco

I am very behind on writing about our journey to Puerto Rico.  We have been busy busy on our vacation.  I have been more interested in enjoying it rather than writing.  I have been meaning to share the journey along the way, but every time I sit down to write something else comes up that interferes with me posting.  Oh well, such is life.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Access Denied.

The Verdict

       is in.  At this time immigration has denied our application to physically stay in Grand Cayman.  The business is still open and running just slightly different than we first intended.  God works and moves in mysterious ways, ways that are beyond our comprehension, ways that are better mapped out than our own plans.  We can't see exactly how everything will pan out at this time, but HE has opened a door for us to include Puerto Rico in our dive operation.
  Puerto Rico will be a journey that we experience together.  Jacob and I have never been there, so we are not sure what to expect.  We have heard some wonderful things and some not so wonderful stories.  In any case, Jacob and i are sure God has led us down this path and whatever lies ahead is HIM.
  We tossed around the idea of Jacob going to PR by himself to check it out and then we would follow, but after being separated for half of last year we decided that it just wasn't the way to do this move.
  Before we embark on our journey to Peurto Rico we are going to visit family.  First stop, Killeen, TX to visit Jacob's mom.  He hasn't seen her in over year.  After that we will go back to our home town, Las Vegas, NV to visit my parents and our beloved friends.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Possibly Poetic

In a world...
   where everything is safe...
       we find....


Love that conquers understanding among ALL...Forgiveness, Acceptance.





Run Away from bondage.......................

Simply Put.... BE FREE.  Because you are.  It doesn't matter where you are or who your with....YOU are free.  Break AWAY...!

Freedom and space is all you need to be YOU.  YOU is whom GOD desires you to be.  Follow your heart. HE will sustain you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Jayden and his church buds

Patrick, Jayden, Jayden, James(I think)

Climbing trees with Shea

The park that they climbed trees is so peaceful. Many great tree to climb. We ate ginnups for the first time at this park. They are a fruit similar to lycee. Its a fun experience to go to a park and eat some of the fruit growing from the trees.

Climbing trees with Shea

Monday, September 3, 2012

Do We Stay or Do we Go..(part 3)

Ahhhhhh!!!!  What do we do?!  Our indecision of staying or leaving Grand Cayman is giving us these wrenching knots in our stomachs.  I am nearly sick debating the pro's and con's of every option.  Tight finances is making the decision even more difficult.  We don't want to leave this beautiful island where we have been establishing ourselves for the last year, making new friends and plans for our future.  We are on the brink of success.  We have been struggling, fighting, continuing to look to God as we climb this mountain and the top of it is right at our fingertips...shall we turn around?  No! We can't.  It doesn't matter that we are looking at the last few steps to this challenge questioning how it can be done.  If we stop now we would be limiting God.  Basically, saying to Him "This is too big for You to handle and we don't deserve this."  But YHWH, is larger than ALL things.


the decision has been made.  We are submitting our paperwork today.  Within 72 hours we can finally stop holding our breath.  We will either be packing our bags for our next adventure or getting all of our passport's resident stamps.  We placed the challenge in God's hands... "Take this from us because we are not big enough to handle it"  YOUR strength is sufficient in our weakness.  Whatever the outcome, YOUR name will be glorified.

Check back in a few days to see where we are headed. <3

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where did this come from?!

My garden is growing!  Not much but it is.
My cucumbers

A few days or so ago I posted a picture of my very first cucumber.  That one has since wilted away (sad face), but out of nowhere this little guy grew!

GOD giveth and taketh away.  I am extactic!  I wanted to get one cucumber to eat and here she is!  God is so good!  Without HIM this would not have appeared.

My basil

We made Caprese salad with our homegrown basil!  It is so neat to be able to eat food from seeds you have sown.  

 Thank You YHWH

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do We Stay or Do We Go... (part 2)

  Are you wondering what happened at immigration?? What "final" answer did they give us?  Hahaaaahhhaaahhha.   They gave us another list of to-do's including repeating things we have already done because the documents have "expired" or been lost.  Funny, if our application would have been dealt with 3 months ago the documents wouldn't have expired.  We only had to pay $500 to get a 28 day stamp to stay on the island to handle the to-do list and reapply.  Once we reapply and pay more money they will expedite our application complimentary and we will get the real "final" answer.  Ahhahaahaa.   Really?!  In September, are we really going to get approved or denied??
   Sounds easy enough to apply and wait for the answer, but the amount of money we have to pay will pretty much drain us.  Leaving us in an sticky spot to pay our other bills.  Is this the kind of faith God is calling us to have right now?  To take another leap, knowing that He will sustain us, even if we can't see it?  Knowing that even if our application is denied and the funds aren't returned to us for 6 weeks, that we will be able to relocate???  Or better yet, know that our application will be approved and the God will provide for our needs.

We are all so tired of this limbo- do we stay or do we go.  We are on the edge of our seats, praying that God will come through in a big way.

What do you think?  Invest all we have to go for this dream or give up right now in the face of adversity?  I think there is only one choice...we have to go for it.  The worst that can happen is we fail, but that is so much better than not even trying...

God's Plan...that's all I want.  I'm praying for His wisdom to fill me husband's decision on whether or not to pursue staying.  His plan...that's it.  If it's His path, we will be good.

Your prayers for guidance and success are needed and appreciated!

Thank you.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Do We Stay Or Do We Go...

As of August 9, our stamps to stay in Grand Cayman expired.  Immigration has been stringing us along for months without approving or denying our application to stay and work.  Over the last few days there has been multiple emergency meetings regarding our application because they are aware that time has run out.  It is so much different opening up a company in another country; we don't have the liberties that we do in the States.  Jacob is in a meeting with the chief of immigration right now. Today they we give us a final answer.  Whew!  It will be nice to finally know what is going on.  Whether we will be staying here or not.  It is in God's hands so whatever the answer is we will be happy.  We always have to trust his direction even if we don't understand at the time.

Last night Jacob and I were reminding ourselves how God had better plans for us last year when Jacob couldn't find a job in Las Vegas.  If Jacob would have found a job we never would have made it to Grand Cayman.  We would have missed out on this amazing opportunity.  "When one door closes another opens."  I'd like to see Jacob have the opportunity to keep heading forward and building our business, his dream.  He has come so far it would be sad to see him have to start over.   I am so excited to know where God is taking us.  Will we stay or will we go???

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romans 14

I've read Romans 14 once, twice, three times...and for at least 2 weeks I have been reading and re-reading it nearly everyday.  It is a meaty portion of scripture God is using to refine my character and bring more understanding.  
  16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
but this is the one on my edification platter at the moment.  This post marks the realization of some things I have learned thus far through this scripture...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our Resident Tree Frog

About a week or so ago, my lil' j's and I were relaxing, chatting, and hanging out in our hammock.  It was dark and a bit breezy so little noises were spooking us just a bit.  Or maybe it wasn't the wind...maybe it was an iguana, a land crab, a wild cat, some other critter, or....


Yes, we witnessed a frog jump from the top of the 14 foot palm our hammock hangs from into the grass just beside us.  Talk about shocking!  We weren't quite sure what it was at first so we all jump up to see.  We watched it for a while and then it disappeared into another tree.  I didn't take a picture, only enjoyed the moment.

Last night I was given the opportunity to photograph our resident tree frog.

 He even posed...
Hahaha, I tell you what.  Everyday, God can remind you of the beauty of His creation if you just stop to enjoy it.  I think this fella needs a name...What should it be?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our Stay-Daycation


We have to take each day and live it to the fullest making sure to accomplish things on our bucket list, doing the things we HAVE to do more efficiently so we have more time for the things we like.  

So we went to East-End Grand Cayman to see the blowholes and on our way we stopped to see the old pirate caves.  Check out the photos below to see a glimpse of our Stay-Daycation.


...brought smiles to our faces and cooled us down.  The laughter that filled the air was magical.
One more item crossed off my bucket list!
East-end fish market pictured near the sea on the left.
We bought an extremely fresh barracuda to fry up for dinner.  These fish are aggressive and have extremely sharp teeth, but the fish market fellas were very kind.  We all agreed that the barracuda was delicious. 

A cool art piece created with an array of things like tree branches, shoes, strings, bottles.
I couldn't resist...
I left my mark ;o)

Then Joie and Jayden made this a photo opportunity.

We made it to high ground!  Because the land is relatively flat it's rare when you can see the land going on for miles.  I totally had to capture the moment. 

My hunnie and I...

Squirrel Fish

Marine Butterfly Fish
Jacob and Joie released some fish caught in this trap.  Sorry Mr. Fisherman but the little reef fish were calling to be free.
Goodnight Day.