Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our Resident Tree Frog

About a week or so ago, my lil' j's and I were relaxing, chatting, and hanging out in our hammock.  It was dark and a bit breezy so little noises were spooking us just a bit.  Or maybe it wasn't the wind...maybe it was an iguana, a land crab, a wild cat, some other critter, or....


Yes, we witnessed a frog jump from the top of the 14 foot palm our hammock hangs from into the grass just beside us.  Talk about shocking!  We weren't quite sure what it was at first so we all jump up to see.  We watched it for a while and then it disappeared into another tree.  I didn't take a picture, only enjoyed the moment.

Last night I was given the opportunity to photograph our resident tree frog.

 He even posed...
Hahaha, I tell you what.  Everyday, God can remind you of the beauty of His creation if you just stop to enjoy it.  I think this fella needs a name...What should it be?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our Stay-Daycation


We have to take each day and live it to the fullest making sure to accomplish things on our bucket list, doing the things we HAVE to do more efficiently so we have more time for the things we like.  

So we went to East-End Grand Cayman to see the blowholes and on our way we stopped to see the old pirate caves.  Check out the photos below to see a glimpse of our Stay-Daycation.


...brought smiles to our faces and cooled us down.  The laughter that filled the air was magical.
One more item crossed off my bucket list!
East-end fish market pictured near the sea on the left.
We bought an extremely fresh barracuda to fry up for dinner.  These fish are aggressive and have extremely sharp teeth, but the fish market fellas were very kind.  We all agreed that the barracuda was delicious. 

A cool art piece created with an array of things like tree branches, shoes, strings, bottles.
I couldn't resist...
I left my mark ;o)

Then Joie and Jayden made this a photo opportunity.

We made it to high ground!  Because the land is relatively flat it's rare when you can see the land going on for miles.  I totally had to capture the moment. 

My hunnie and I...

Squirrel Fish

Marine Butterfly Fish
Jacob and Joie released some fish caught in this trap.  Sorry Mr. Fisherman but the little reef fish were calling to be free.
Goodnight Day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

My little green thumb

Growing your own food is an art. It isn't easy by any means, every plant has it's own pests and nutritional requirements.  Not to mention growing some plants together will either enhance their well-being or be harmful to their growth.  If you weren't raised a farmer it can be challenging.  It wasn't until recently that I came to enjoy growing plants and I am still learning. This summer I am growing

 Parsley...(have to get cilantro for homemade salsa, mmm)
 and Cucumbers...
 I didn't know what a cucumber plant looked like until they started to grow.  They are so neat! I love how they have these curly tendrils that wrap around anything nearby.  You can see them sprouting off the picture below.
 I didn't do much research on how to grow these, but what I did read said thety were super easy!  I may need to move them to a bigger planter.  I can't wait to have my first homegrown cucumber!  I can almost taste the cucumber salad I'll make with it now!