Saturday, March 31, 2012

Miss boss cont.

It's not so much that im bossing my children around.  I have been guiding them, but now it is time for them to graduate off the milk.  Why do I still need to guide them through the morning/evening routine; they know that they need to brush their teeth and hair, change their clothes, etc.  it is now time for them to take the innitiative and complete them on their own.  They are also familiar with tasks they are responsible for, but we have had inconsistency so they need guidance on when to complete it.  Chore charts are going up because i tired of repeating myself.  

Jacqueline Jamieson

Miss Boss

I wonder sometimes where Joielin gets her bossiness from.  Today i was given the answer and the humilty to confess it's me.  I have been bossing my children around.  Do this, do that; don't do that, that's garbage,  blah, blah, blah.  Today, well tonight, I am cutting off the ball and chain that i strapped to my children.  Does this mean they can do whatever they want?  Absolutely not!  But i will pay closer attention to their likes and dislikes; i want to value their opinions.  They are individuals and will differ greatly from me.  My molding needs a new shape; what was working isnt any longer.  Im excited for this change!  And i can guarantee my lil j's are excited too!  

As my children are getting older they are more opinionated and their interests differ from mine.  Its only been a short while, but I was trying to make my children fit into a box and color inside my lines.  But my children arent me;  i dont want them to be me.  I want them to be them.  They need to explore things THEY like and I need to get involved.  

We are on a road to exploring. And guess what!  Even if we aren't "doing school" we are learning some very valuable things like love, respect, honor, trust, and individuality!

Jacqueline Jamieson

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Home sick

The children and I have been "on the road" for nearly two months.  We have stayed/visited with my parents and with my in-laws and tonight I am extremely homesick.  I miss my husband.  I miss the way our family operates.  The peace and love I feel when we are together is priceless.  I believe I have a confession tonight...for the past year I have taken forgranted our time together.  Of course, i have treasured and enjoyed all of it, but I didn't realize how much I needed it.  When we left Grand Cayman i was ready for a break.  A break from the island and my husband.  I was gettin tired and irritated with things he was doing.  I was also unhappy.  Unhappy with being in Grand Cayman because of the lack of resources.  I was tolarant but dissatisfied with our housing situaution.  I missed friends, like Missy, Leslie, Ariana, Audra, Maryanne, Sarah...all my new girlfriends!  I finally had some great Christian fellowship(might I add, I didnt realize how precious the friendships were when they were so accessible). On a side thought why is the grass always greener on the other side and the past looks so much better than it was?  I miss where we were as a family 1 year ago.  I feel like it was a happy time.  I feel like the past 6 months have been very unstable.  I dont like  change so it's no wonder that when I look back over the last few months i dont find happyiness, but prior to our CRAZY move to Grand Cayman I "feel" like I was happy.  Yet, I very vividly recall being aggrivated with our situation.  I didnt want to be the sole supporter of our family.  So today "yesterday" looks bRighter...

(another side thought: writing a blog on an iphone stinks!, but i am very thankful for my smartphone)

...however, I know that today is making the future brighter, so I am laying my ungratefulness, unhappiness, frustrations, and impatience at the feet of Jesus....Jesus, fill me with your holy spirit, the beatiful fruits of your spirit, lead my family and I on the straigt and narrow path; be a lamp unto our feet.  Help us to remember that this life is not about us.  Strenghten me in the areas that I am weak parenting lately.  Maybe it is that I dont currently have my own domain so I feel inadequate.  Yep, gotta be it.  I cannot run my own home under another woman's roof.  Ugh!  I am more than ready to go home.  

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to the beauty in my family.  I am so grateful and thankful for my husband and the work that you are doing in our lives.  May You alone receive all the Glory.  

Jacqueline Jamieson

Monday, March 19, 2012

Handmade fishing poles

Joie even made fishing poles from sticks and things available. Too bad she didn't have any bait. I love when she becomes creative and resourceful.

Azusa Canyon

Azusa Canyon

Hiking Azusa Canyon

My mother and sister in-law, my 2 chitlins and I escaped for some fresh air. Sometimes i forget how much I love the outdoors. I wish i could be surrounded by nature at all times so I would never forget. There is so much beauty and peace found in God's creation.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'll be transform...

Terminator, a.k.a. Turnimator by Jayden. This is a picture from an app he had me install on my phone.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ghost Whisperer

What has gotten into me lately?!  I am not one to watch T.V. But as of lately I can't get enough.  I may have a slight addiction to Ghost Whisperer.  Thankfully, it's an old series.  I can DVR it and then watch it without commercials.  Every show has a great hook sometimes so good that you HAVE to watch the next one.  I'm not watching them in sequential order; is there a Ghost Whisperer disk set?  I would love to watch it in order, but its too late now.  I won't watch the shows more than once.  I feel like I piecing together a puzzle with how I'm watching it.  I love puzzles!!  Thank you dad for getting me hooked.  And thanks mom for havin me watch The Voice.

      "are you serious?!  I'm really watching some reality singing contest show and enjoying it...the world must be ending soon because I thought this day would never come.  Oh NO!!!!   Does that mean I'm gonna get Facebook?!  Ahhhhh"

I dont have any problems with facebook or it's users.  I just don't want it; it's my little way of staying out of the world.  (as I write this from my Iphone)  Don't forget to follow me on twitter, lol.

Jacqueline Jamieson

2007 simple path photobook

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Joie n Jeeno

She is so happy to have our puppy back! Now we have to figure out how to ship him to Grand Cayman.