Friday, September 1, 2017

Losing Lyme Finding Freedom

I have a friend who was diagnosed with Lyme disease 3 years ago.  She has been sick since she was a young girl, bit it wasn't until after she moved to Las Vegas that she was properly diagnosed.  Lyme disease affects your whole body and can conceal itself as many other illnesses.  I barely knew anything about the disease when Braedy was diagnosed.  As our friendship has grown so has my knowledge of the disease and how it affects her.  Most times people would never know that she is sick because she doesn't complain about anything.  She does what she can on days that she feels alright and doesn't commit herself to many things.

She has been doing okay for the last couple months.  I hesitate to use the word okay because her scale of "ok" is quite different than the average person.  In The last month, however, we are all noticing her health decline. She struggles to sit upright for over 3-4 hours, her brain is getting foggy making talking exhausting, and she has constant body aches and pains.  It's to the point where daily activities like showering, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning are difficult.  They MUST be split up, with rest in-between.  If she does too much she'll have to stay in bed to recover.  It's sad to think this is what life is for her.  She wants to do so many things but physically it's just not possible.

Last week, she was given a glimmer of hope.  She was offered a grant for a new hyperthermia treatment that has an 84% recovery rate!  Lyme Disease will never go away but it could go into remission which would mean better days for Braedy.  Unfortunately, even with the grant the treatment costs $10,000.  So we are raising money for her. Asking for help and sharing her story is extremely uncomfortable for her and her husband and right now it seems like the only way she has hope for better days.  She just started a blog so anyone can follow her story Here

If you would like to contribute financially or know someone who may Click Here

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